SWR-TX-051 Plano Mustangs
Main Content

Cadet Wingman Course

Format:   Classroom, with a group of cadets or individually

Instructor:  Local decision of Squadron Commander; team-teaching with a chaplain or CDI and the safety officer is an option.

Cadet Staff:   Even if only a handful of cadets need this course, a couple existing cadets (i.e.: NCOs) should participate as role models, and to make the class activities more meaningful.

Duration:  40-60 minutes

  • This course combines four main topics that at first glance might not appear to fit together: Core Values, the wingman concept, safety, and cadet protection. The wingman concept is what connects the topics and provides the lesson’s central theme, which is to use a wingman to aim for excellence, stay safe, and have fun.

  • Fulfills the character development requirement for Achievement 1 - Curry and promotion to C/Amn.



Lesson Plan

Classroom Slides
(without video)

Cadet Life in the Civil Air Patrol video 42mb

Batman Begins, The Final Test video

Wingman Poster  44mb

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