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Aerospace Education - 2022 Archive

Texas Wing Cadet Soars as a Diver and Glider Pilot

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For some people, soaring is a natural state.

C/Capt Colin Agor of SWR-TX-428 is one of them. In the span of 10 days in July, the springboard diver and glider pilot won AAU Boys 16 national diving championships on both the 1-meter and 3-meter boards and successfully completed a checkride to earn a private pilot glider license.

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Cadets Soar to New Heights with Texas Wing Glider Flight Academy

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Cadets from across the nation gathered at the Soaring Club of Houston on 9 July to fly gliders and learn the basics of flight. Five cadets earned solo wings, with several more students well on their way to earning their own solo wings.

The Glider Flight Academy, hosted in south Texas, was established in 2008 by Major David Ayre. The academy continues to grow in popularity and diversity. This year, nearly half of the students were female cadets. Soloing cadet Major Maryanne Yoakum is a returning student from Mildenhall Cadet Squadron and resides in Togo, West Africa. “Civil Air Patrol has challenged me in ways I wasn’t able to find in my life before,” Yoakum stated, “I find that the community around aviation, especially gliding, is one that constantly challenges me.” 

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